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Golden Corner Family Practice

Family Medicine located in West Union, SC




Heart Health


Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death in both men and women in the United States and worldwide? Some symptoms that elevate your risk of heart disease aren’t readily apparent without comprehensive medical tests. To ensure your heart is healthy, call or book an appointment online with the skilled, compassionate team at Golden Corner Family Practice in West Union, South Carolina today.


Heart Health Q & A


What tests at an annual physical can detect heart disease?  


Your doctor conducts a variety of tests that provide information on your heart health. If your scores are abnormal on any one of them, you’ll likely need to start on medication and a coronary risk reduction program that includes medication and lifestyle changes.


Otherwise, you’re at risk of both congestive heart failure, when your heart can’t pump normally, and coronary heart disease, when plaque builds in your arteries decreasing blood flow to your heart.


Blood Pressure


You can have high blood pressure, also called hypertension, without any symptoms. If it’s high, you’re at risk of heart disease and stroke. If your blood pressure is consistently high, over 140, 150, or 160/100, your doctor prescribes daily medication.




Starting at age 20, you’ll have a blood test called “fasting lipoprotein profile” that determines your separate HDL and LDL, as well as your total, cholesterol levels. If it’s high, your doctor may recommend medication to bring it down; high cholesterol equals elevated risk for heart disease or stroke.


Body Weight


A body mass index test (BMI) is an easy way to tell whether you’re at a healthy weight. If your BMI scores you as overweight or obese, you’re at greater risk for heart disease, stroke, and other heart ailments.


Blood Glucose


If you’re overweight and have one other risk factor for heart disease, your doctor conducts a blood glucose test. Your blood is drawn twice -- both before and then two hours after you have a drink containing glucose. The doctor compares the before and after readings.




If you smoke, your doctor gives you information on smoking cessation programs. Your doctor reviews your diet and physical activity habits and provides helpful plans for each -- all part of coronary risk reduction. Building healthy habits help lower your risk for heart disease.


How do doctors evaluate and manage coronary heart disease?


If you’ve already been diagnosed with heart disease, your Golden Corner Family Practice physician reviews your complete medical history and conducts the appropriate tests. In addition, the doctor orders the following specialized tests to further evaluate and manage your condition:


  • Homocysteine test: measures amino acid in the blood associated with risk of heart disease

  • Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG): measures heart activity

  • Exercise stress test: EKG while you run on a treadmill

  • Echocardiogram: sound waves analyze your heart function and structure  



Schedule your annual check-up today with Golden Corner Family Practice. Call or book an appointment online today.

Golden Corner Family Practice

1205 N Hwy 11

West Union, S.C. 29696

(864) 638-5402

© 2023 by Golden Corner Family Practice, LLC

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